Friday, October 28

PAN(bread/filler/guy with flute)DEMIC

unfortunately on web browsers other than firefox, all the fancy options that blogger allows for posting seemingly disintegrate into thin air. WTF!!!!!!!!
today i spent lots of time sleeping, and then reading. things read include: 1. harper's november issue's article on phone calls from iraq. prime outrage: our government does not pay for the troops to call home!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2. interview with a professional mourner in harper's 3. most of the george saunder's story
i would like to read the new george saunder's book. i like g.s. alot in fact. i was thinking of being the grandma from sea oak, a story in pastoralia for halloween. other halloween ideas include: gum from the donna tartt novel, the little friend, a russian princess, or a bird with bird flu.
reading list continued: 4. BBC news 5. WHO FAQ on bird flu 6. crudefutures 7. ny times.
i think i have done enough reading to freak myself out for a whole week!
favorite quote from g.s.'s "in persuasion nation":
""just last week, a frazzled overworked new mother rose up against a bottle of red bull that had moved into her home disguised as a giant breast in order to wet nurse her baby,""
apparently some fuckers in the eu (france) were trying to copyright the fragrance of the strawberry. i guess things don't get much better anywhere else either... (this comes as a blow to my euro-fantasy-idealism)

p.s. i am having emotionall withdrawl issues about my computer's absence in my life. this is serious.


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