Wednesday, February 22

written apology

i am sorry for not blogging for a very very long time. the blog is dead, but i will revive. i will re-capitulate the past 3.5 weeks for myself and readership with bright flashing colors and pomp and flair.

today i got a postcard from harpers advertising a "town hall meeting" about the "case for impeachment" i hate to be bitter and/or cynical and/or hypersensetive, but i had to write them an email about it:

subject: why are you charging for a town hall "public" forum?
if people feel passionately enough about impeachment, they should talk without needing compensation
if people feel passionately about impeachment, they shouldn't need to pay for a space to talk about it, becuase of its imperative nature
talks about impeachment should not be treated as though they are an exhibition in a museum (see postcard)
a public forum should not be guarded by any apparatus of class (i.e. admission fee- "everybody has ten dollars...")
if ticketmaster is selling the talks about the impeachment, we may be sure that there will be none"

i guess in the united states you have to buy a town hall forum just like anything else.


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