Friday, June 2

dear blog. something really sad is happening. something very bad and sad. alex is moving to maine. she is going without me. she doesn't want to be in new york anymore. she doesn't want to come hang out with me at work anymore. she has had her last cake shop beer? she has had her last nikki's vietnamese sadwich. alex, are there pool tables in main? how about parks? have they ever heard about "parks" in maine?
before i was born my mother owned 25 acres of land in maine. it had a hut. oh, wait, new englanders call them "cottage". it had a cottage. supposedly my mom sold it so they could remodel our house in california. they remodeled our house really badly (bad as in Bad Taste) and then the house was gone and so was all that stuff in maine. so i never went there.
if i had been from a different type of family, maybe i would be the one threatening to move to maine for the summer. i bet my house in maine would have horses too. and a light house. instead all i can say is my house used to have a rubber plant that they removed when remodeling. what kind of freak _gets rid of their rubber plant_?
other wildlife growing around my house:
grapefruit tree
fig tree
persimon tree (i always thought persimmon was from the root persephonae)
oak tree
bird of paradise
peach tree
plum tree.
what is a fig? i never learned what a fig was. i always assumed that there was a fruit that then shriveled into a fig, which then shriveled into a date, which then became a seed or "pit". i don't think that's how figs work.
dear alex, i am moving back to california. i haven't told anyone yet. please don't tell anyone.
psych! just kidding.
dear princess alex, please do write on your trip to maine. it would be most kind if you were to relay your cherished experiences back to us, your "blog friends".


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