Friday, December 23

whoOoOoOo is it?!

please note the (eerie?) resemblence of depp to david byrne. it's really quite striking!
my cousin and i rented 'cry baby' night before last. i had never seen it before! it was so campy and good. you can't really make it out here, but that chest tattoo is of an electric chair... the one that fried his mom and dad!!!
i think john waters must've been in love with johnny depp or something because look at all this cheesecake idol worship. in all seriousness, though, he was more beautiful than any woman.... PSYCH!!! (???)

but look how silly he look trying to french kiss! i guess '21 jumpstreet' didn't learn him... just goes to show: you can't have it all!

i'm pretty sure this is his real tattoo, though... TOUGH!


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