sixz fingaz 4 u
so between beginning the diamond age, learning about 'ractions, and reading cf fan fiction, i am inclined to believe that the mexican terrorist group, "the six fingered fist" is in fact real.

so between beginning the diamond age, learning about 'ractions, and reading cf fan fiction, i am inclined to believe that the mexican terrorist group, "the six fingered fist" is in fact real.
so this week lots of traumatic shit happened. for instance i went to trader joes. i grew up with one of the 3 orig. trader joes in my neighborhood, so the blooming of the trader joes corpo-monster is a new/disturbing/funny thing to happen. trader joes, welcome to nyc where pensioners and nyu students alike can make fake ethnic food in their microwaves! thank you, for allowing crunchies, munchies, savory and sweet fake imports and bulk buying repackaged in trader________'s name. in case some people don't know, trader hoes' potato chips used to come in a paper bag that said habeus corpus. when i was in 3rd grade and went to multnomah magnet, i brought a bag of potato chips to a class party at school and my teacher somehow thought habeaus corpus in latin meant naked people and didn't want to serve them. ha! funnier every day! especially bc on front of the old bag, there was a court scene with some dudes in wigs. btw, in case you didn't know i don't know how to spell, esp latin, esp bc i am from la! ga says that no one from la knows how to spell, as experienced through her wmbs...
new things happening on the planet today:
today i got my hair cut in a salon for the first time since i was 12 years old. it was really scary! i always think salons are overpriced, snooty and stupid, so this was a challenging activity to my daily life. in looking at the website, i freaked myself out, finding that the salon did Makeovers as well as hair and these haircuts go for 200$. it seems to have turned out ok though. watching someone struggle with making my hair behave like they want it is very amusing. i was getting it cut by an appretice or something for free, so it was even funnier because he was trying to make it perfect for the inspection by his hair overlord ("Hairseer"). he spent about an hour trying to make the curls curly, but not frizzy. after this long ordeal, i felt like celbrating with a bowl of ramen and some gerolsteiner. classy!
i am cleaning out my computer. i am finding lists of things i was supposed to do 9 months ago. there are things on these simple lists that i have not done yet. this is making me panic.